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Oracle  提供两种方式实现 128 码的编码
第一种方式是使用 Reports Builder 实现对 128 码编码, 在 Metalink 305090.1[1]  有
比較详尽的描写叙述,当中的 IDAUTOMATION.PLL 中包括方法 Code128A。 Code128B
及 Code128C 分别实现了 A,B,C 类 128 码的编码。详细的实现方法请參照 MetaLink
305090.1  。
另外一种方法是通过 XML Publisher 实现 128 码的编码。

由于超过 128  的 ASCII 码对

应的特殊字符在 PL/SQL 中无法显示,可是在 128 码中使用这些字符作为 128 码的
起始终止位以及校验位。编码的过程放在 PL/SQL 端实现并生成 XML 数据结合模板
生成条码较难实现。改变思路,我们把编码过程放在 JAVA 类中。通过在结合模板
时调用生成 128 码就能够实现条码的生成和打印。

在《Oracle XML Publisher

Administration and Developer's Guide》中 Advanced Barcode Font Formatting
Implementation  中提供了这样的方法的实现。在 Metalink 782809.1[2]中提供 JAVA 版
128 码编码实现类(BarcodeUtil.java)的下载,以及測试使用对应的模板文件


下面内容以字体IDAutomationC128M 为演示




1.查看java里路径  比如:package oracle.apps.xdo.template.rtf.util.barcoder;

上传java文件BarcodeUtil.java到文件夹  $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/xdo/template/rtf/util/barcoder 没有新建



/*    Code extracted from     Oracle?XML Publisher     Core Components Guide    Release    Pages 8-60 to 8-64*/package oracle.apps.xdo.template.rtf.util.barcoder;import java.util.Hashtable;import java.lang.reflect.Method;import oracle.apps.xdo.template.rtf.util.XDOBarcodeEncoder;import oracle.apps.xdo.common.log.Logger;// This class name will be used in the register vendor// field in the template.public class BarcodeUtil implements XDOBarcodeEncoder// The class implements the XDOBarcodeEncoder interface{    // This is the barcode vendor id that is used in the    // register vendor field and format-barcode fields    public static final String BARCODE_VENDOR_ID = "XMLPBarVendor";        // The hashtable is used to store references to    // the encoding methods    public static final Hashtable ENCODERS = new Hashtable(10);        // The BarcodeUtil class needs to be instantiated    public static final BarcodeUtil mUtility = new BarcodeUtil();        // This is the main code that is executed in the class,    // it is loading the methods for the encoding into the hashtable.    // In this case we are loading the three code128 encoding    // methods we have created.    static {        try {            Class[] clazz = new Class[] { "".getClass() };            ENCODERS.put("code128a",mUtility.getClass().getMethod("code128a", clazz));            ENCODERS.put("code128b",mUtility.getClass().getMethod("code128b", clazz));            ENCODERS.put("code128c",mUtility.getClass().getMethod("code128c", clazz));        } catch (Exception e) {            // This is using the XML Publisher logging class to push            // errors to the XMLP log file.            Logger.log(e,5);            }    }    // The getVendorID method is called from the template layer    // at runtime to ensure the correct encoding method are used    public final String getVendorID()    {        return BARCODE_VENDOR_ID;    }        //The isSupported method is called to ensure that the    // encoding method called from the template is actually    // present in this class.    // If not then XMLP will report this in the log.    public final boolean isSupported(String s)    {        if(s != null)        return ENCODERS.containsKey(s.trim().toLowerCase());        else        return false;    }        // The encode method is called to then call the appropriate    // encoding method, in this example the code128a/b/c methods.    public final String encode(String s, String s1)    {        if(s != null && s1 != null)        {            try             {                Method method = (Method)ENCODERS.get(s1.trim().toLowerCase());                if(method != null)                    return (String)method.invoke(this, new Object[] { s });                else                    return s;            }            catch(Exception exception)            {                Logger.log(exception,5);            }            return s;        } else {            return s;        }    }        /** This is the complete method for Code128a */    public static final String code128a( String DataToEncode )    {        char C128_Start = (char)203;        char C128_Stop = (char)206;        String Printable_string = "";        char CurrentChar;        int CurrentValue=0;        int weightedTotal=0;        int CheckDigitValue=0;        char C128_CheckDigit='w';        DataToEncode = DataToEncode.trim();        weightedTotal = ((int)C128_Start) - 100;        for( int i = 1; i <= DataToEncode.length(); i++ )        {            //get the value of each character            CurrentChar = DataToEncode.charAt(i-1);            if( ((int)CurrentChar) < 135 )                CurrentValue = ((int)CurrentChar) - 32;            if( ((int)CurrentChar) > 134 )                CurrentValue = ((int)CurrentChar) - 100;                            CurrentValue = CurrentValue * i;            weightedTotal = weightedTotal + CurrentValue;        }                //divide the WeightedTotal by 103 and get the remainder,        //this is the CheckDigitValue        CheckDigitValue = weightedTotal % 103;        if( (CheckDigitValue < 95) && (CheckDigitValue > 0) )            C128_CheckDigit = (char)(CheckDigitValue + 32);        if( CheckDigitValue > 94 )            C128_CheckDigit = (char)(CheckDigitValue + 100);        if( CheckDigitValue == 0 ){            C128_CheckDigit = (char)194;        }                Printable_string = C128_Start + DataToEncode + C128_CheckDigit + C128_Stop + " ";        return Printable_string;    }    /** This is the complete method for Code128b ***/    public static final String code128b( String DataToEncode )    {        char C128_Start = (char)204;        char C128_Stop = (char)206;        String Printable_string = "";        char CurrentChar;        int CurrentValue=0;        int weightedTotal=0;        int CheckDigitValue=0;        char C128_CheckDigit='w';        DataToEncode = DataToEncode.trim();        weightedTotal = ((int)C128_Start) - 100;                for( int i = 1; i <= DataToEncode.length(); i++ )        {            //get the value of each character            CurrentChar = DataToEncode.charAt(i-1);            if( ((int)CurrentChar) < 135 )                CurrentValue = ((int)CurrentChar) - 32;            if( ((int)CurrentChar) > 134 )                CurrentValue = ((int)CurrentChar) - 100;                            CurrentValue = CurrentValue * i;            weightedTotal = weightedTotal + CurrentValue;        }                //divide the WeightedTotal by 103 and get the remainder,        //this is the CheckDigitValue        CheckDigitValue = weightedTotal % 103;        if( (CheckDigitValue < 95) && (CheckDigitValue > 0) )            C128_CheckDigit = (char)(CheckDigitValue + 32);        if( CheckDigitValue > 94 )            C128_CheckDigit = (char)(CheckDigitValue + 100);        if( CheckDigitValue == 0 ){            C128_CheckDigit = (char)194;        }                Printable_string = C128_Start + DataToEncode + C128_CheckDigit + C128_Stop + " ";        return Printable_string;    }    /** This is the complete method for Code128c **/    public static final String code128c( String s )    {        char C128_Start = (char)205;        char C128_Stop = (char)206;        String Printable_string = "";        String DataToPrint = "";        String OnlyCorrectData = "";        int i=1;        int CurrentChar=0;        int CurrentValue=0;        int weightedTotal=0;        int CheckDigitValue=0;        char C128_CheckDigit='w';        DataToPrint = "";        s = s.trim();                for(i = 1; i <= s.length(); i++ )        {            //Add only numbers to OnlyCorrectData string            CurrentChar = (int)s.charAt(i-1);            if((CurrentChar < 58) && (CurrentChar > 47))            {                OnlyCorrectData = OnlyCorrectData + (char)s.charAt(i-1);            }        }        s = OnlyCorrectData;                //Check for an even number of digits, add 0 if not even        if( (s.length() % 2) == 1 )        {            s = "0" + s;        }                //<<<< Calculate Modulo 103 Check Digit and generate        // DataToPrint >>>>//Set WeightedTotal to the Code 128 value of        // the start character        weightedTotal = ((int)C128_Start) - 100;        int WeightValue = 1;        for( i = 1; i <= s.length(); i += 2 )        {            //Get the value of each number pair (ex: 5 and 6 = 5*10+6 =56)             //And assign the ASCII values to DataToPrint            CurrentChar = ((((int)s.charAt(i-1))-48)*10) + (((int)s.charAt(i))-48);                        if((CurrentChar < 95) && (CurrentChar > 0))                DataToPrint = DataToPrint + (char)(CurrentChar + 32);            if( CurrentChar > 94 )                DataToPrint = DataToPrint + (char)(CurrentChar + 100);            if( CurrentChar == 0)                DataToPrint = DataToPrint + (char)194;                            //multiply by the weighting character            //add the values together to get the weighted total            weightedTotal = weightedTotal + (CurrentChar * WeightValue);            WeightValue = WeightValue + 1;        }                //divide the WeightedTotal by 103 and get the remainder,        //this is the CheckDigitValue        CheckDigitValue = weightedTotal % 103;                if((CheckDigitValue < 95) && (CheckDigitValue > 0))            C128_CheckDigit = (char)(CheckDigitValue + 32);        if( CheckDigitValue > 94 )            C128_CheckDigit = (char)(CheckDigitValue + 100);        if( CheckDigitValue == 0 ){            C128_CheckDigit = (char)194;        }                Printable_string = C128_Start + DataToPrint + C128_CheckDigit + C128_Stop + " ";        Logger.log(Printable_string,5);        return Printable_string;    }} /*End BarcodeUtil class */


xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <RECEIPT_APPLIED> <LINES> <ITEM_CODE>F4990010010</ITEM_CODE> <ITEM_NAME><![CDATA[財税通软件 V1.0]]></ITEM_NAME> <BARCODE>912014266</BARCODE> </LINES> <LINES> <ITEM_CODE>F4990010010</ITEM_CODE> <ITEM_NAME><![CDATA[財税通软件 V1.0]]></ITEM_NAME> <BARCODE>912014265</BARCODE> </LINES> </RECEIPT_APPLIED>


说明:REG里面   <?register-barcode-vendor:'oracle.apps.xdo.template.rtf.util.barcoder.BarcodeUtil';'XMLPBarVendor'?> 注冊条码编码类

           条码里        <?format-barcode:BARCODE;'Code128a';'XMLPBarVendor'?>    数据格式化



在XML Publisher Administrator职责下,首先上传字体文件


在XML Publisher Administrator职责下,定义字体转换映射集

因为我们的模板使用的是RTF格式的。因此Type须要选择FO To PDF

在XML Publisher Administrator职责下,定义字体转换映射关系

输入Font Family,这个值能够打开字体文件来查看





查询出BIP模板定义后,点击右上角的 Edit Configuration button


展开FO Processing部分,设置Font mapping set为上面定义好的字体映射集



In this Document



JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools - Version 8.97 and later
BI Publisher (formerly XML Publisher) - Version to [Release 11.1]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


 >  > Note 1460779.2

This document outlines the steps to use barcode java handlers to add control characters to barcode content in reports produced by embedded BI Publisher for EnterpriseOne.


Embedded BI Publisher for EnterpriseOne.



Barcodes are a representation of a string of data in a barcode font. In order to be readable by barcode scanners, data represented in barcode format need to be preceded and followed by their respective control characters. See external page  for more information. 

This can be archived in BI Publisher by invoking a java handler within the RTF template. The process works in two steps. First the BI Publisher engine merges the XML data with the template when submitting the report definition. Second the RTF template itself invokes the barcode java handler at runtime to add the control characters to the barcode string.


Barcode encoding will not work if using a PDF type template with Embedded BI Publisher for EnterpriseOne. This is because there is no way to add the necessary call to the java script to enable the start and stop control characters in PDF templates and this can only be done in RTF templates. Without the java script, the font will show in the final output, however it will be unreadable to the barcode scanners.

Steps to Implement

EnterpriseOne and later (including 9.1):

Since tools release we include a newer BI Publisher core engine ( which has built in support for barcode 128a,b,c. The barcode function can be invoked directly using te following command in your RTF template:


Where FieldName is the name of the dynamic field you want to convert to Barcode 128b.

You can use encodings 128a and 128c as well, for example:




You may also want to try to use the barcode 128 font delivered with BI Publisher Desktop: 128R00.TTF. See article posted in for more details.

EnterpriseOne and older:

The following steps layout all pieces necessary to embed readable barcode strings in reports produced by BI Publisher for EnterpriseOne and older.

The implementation of this solution requires knowledge of BI Publisher for EnterpriseOne and java programming language.


  1.  Obtain a java handler from the barcode vendor
    A sample of a barcode handler code is provided in the Oracle XML Publisher - Core Components Guide - Release - Pages 8-60 to 8-64 () and included in the attachment 
    This source file is provided only as a reference. The actual code should be provided by the barcode font vendor. Oracle does not support the creation or customization of the barcode java handler.
  2. The java handler must contain three methods to be called by BI Publisher engine:
    isSupported(String type);
    encode(String data, String type);
  3. Take note of the package location specified in the java source (usually the first line)
    Example: package oracle.apps.xdo.template.rtf.util.barcoder;
  4. Check the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) in use on the enterprise server where E1 XML PUBLISHER kernel runs. Login as the user who starts E1 services and issue command java -version from a command console.
    Note about AS/400: the Enterprise Server Minimum Technical Requirements referenced in  contains information about the necessary Java Developer Kit installed on this server platform.
  5. Copy xdocore.jar file from EnterpriseOne enterprise server located in '..\system\classes' folder to a development workstation. Extract it using a tool such WinZip. Example: c:\temp
  6. Compile BarcodeUtil.java using the same JRE version used on the enterprise server. So for instance, if in step 4 you found java version 1.4.2_05, use JDK 1.4.2 update 5 or greater to compile the java class.
    Problems might appear if the class is compiled using a major Java release different than the one on the Enterprise Server (the machine that will execute the java compiled code at runtime).
    Example: if you are compiling it on Windows development workstation where c:\temp contains the java source file, the JDK and xdocore.jar, you can use the following commands:
    set path=c:\temp\jdk_1.4.2_18\bin
    set classpath=c:\temp\xdocore.jar
    javac -g BarcodeUtil.java
    If there are no major problems with the code, this will create a file name BarcodeUtil.class inside c:\temp
    Note: In situations where a version of the JDK used on the server is not available on the Windows platform, follow the procedures in steps 5 and 6 on the enterprise server itself. This is usually the case with AIX and iSeries servers which use IBM J9 JDK.
    This information is provided only as a reference. Problems setting java compiler environment and with the compilation of the barcode java handler provided by 3rd party vendors are not supported by Oracle. Please refer to the respective vendor for further assistance.
  7. Copy the new BarcodeUtil.class to the uncompressed structure of xdocore.jar you extracted in step 5. Place it in the same location given by the 'package' directive specified in the java source and found in step 3. 
    Example: if the java source contains:
    package oracle.apps.xdo.template.rtf.util.barcoder;
    place BarcodeUtil.class in folder name 'oracle\apps\xdo\template\rtf\util\barcoder' inside the extracted xdocore.
  8. Compress all class files (which must include the new BarcodeUtil.class you added in step 7) into a jar file and name it xdocore.jar. You can use WinZip to create xdocore.zip and then rename it to xdocore.jar.
    Make sure you only compress the original folder structure, not any additional upper folder level. Check this by opening the original xdocore.jarand the new xdocore.jar files with a zip utility and comparing the folder structure.
  9. Stop EnterpriseOne services on the enterprise server and backup the original xdocore.jar inside ...\system\classes. Place the backup in a folder outside the system PATH and CLASSPATH folders otherwise the system might still use the old .jar file.
  10. Copy xdocore.jar file created in step 8 to the enterprise server placing it in ...\system\classes
  11. Take this opportunity to check you can find the jas and jasroot log files produced by EnterpriseOne JVM based kernels - See section 'jas/jasroot/jasdebug'. The location where these logs are saved is configured in file jdelog.properties found in   ...\system\classes (on AS/400 it is in ...\system). Edit it and check if the parameter FILE points to the same folder where other E1 kernel logs are saved.
    These logs are helpful when troubleshooting BI Publisher issues.
  12. Review the  to learn how to configure the barcode font in xdo.cfg file. Then configure the server xdo.cfg and copy the barcode truetype font to the enterprise server.
  13. Start EnterpriseOne services on the enterprise server.
  14. Install the font on the development workstation. This should be the same font you uploaded to the enterprise server in step 12. All it usually takes is to copy the truetype font to the 'fonts' folder inside C:\WINDOWS.
  15. Create a new template containing the following:
    • Directive to register the barcode handler (note the java path must match the location of the class file in xdocore.jar as explained in item 7):
      For example:
    • Invoke the handler using the 'format-barcode' directive:
      For example:
      See section titled Register the Barcode Encoding Class in the Oracle XML Publisher Core Components guide page 2-118 and 2-119 for more information see 
      See attached file  for a sample template.
  16. On the template, change the font of the data field to be encoded to be displayed using the barcode font you installed in step 14.
  17. Create a BI Publisher object using program P95600, upload the template you created in step 15, then create a report definition and associate it to the BI Publisher object. Submit it to the server and check the status of the output; it should be 'D' for done. If you get a status 'FX' this means that an error occurred when merging data and template. If that happened, check the jas log you setup in step 11 and look for errors. Normally java exceptions in the log will tell where the error occurred. 
  18. To verify that the java handler class is being called correctly, change the font on the data field to a humanly readable font, say Arial and run the report definition again. In the final output you should see the encoded value of the data formatted by the barcode handler. 
    If the output is the same as the data in the XML field then the BarcodeUtil handler is not being called correctly.

Below is a screenshot showing the output obtained using the steps above on EnterpriseOne 9.0 with tools release

Note 1:
The same result can be achieved with BI Publisher Desktop (MS Word Plug-in), using its own xdocore.jar and its fonts. These are usually located in"c:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word", in the jlib and fonts subfolders.
If the issue is duplicated with the Desktop Plugin, then it is not an EnterpriseOne integration problem, and the cause should be sought either in the encryptor class from the barcode provider, or in the way it was integrated in the BarcodeUtil.java.


Note 2: 
There are many different types of barcodes. This document is specific to handling of 128a, 128b and 128c types. 
It is possible to integrate other dynamic barcode types to use with BI Publisher for EnterpriseOne, however these are considered to be out of the scope of EnterpriseOne support.
If you have questions about using 2D barcode fonts you may like to consider the following links: 
Discussion and tips on how to incorporate QR barcodes:
Enhancement bugs requesting enhanced support for barcodes:



 - E1: XMLP: Adding a Font to be Used with Embedded Publisher for EnterpriseOne
 - JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Current MTR Index
 - E1: XMLP: How to Capture BI Publisher Logs
 - E1: XMLP: BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
 - JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.97 Implementation of Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) Publisher (Formerly XML Publisher)




JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
BI Publisher (formerly XML Publisher)








  • FILE(9.08 KB)
  • FILE(30.54 KB)

附2:report 实现

Oracle Reports Barcode Tutorial & FAQ

This IDAutomation tutorial should be used when implementing barcode generation in Oracle Reports with the IDAutomation PL/SQL Barcode Library and IDAutomation barcode fonts. The barcode library is a PLL file that formats data from fields in the report to create an accurate barcode when combined with IDAutomation barcode fonts.

The library contains functions for Code 128, Code 39, GS1, Codabar, UCC/EAN 128, Interleaved 2 of 5, UPC and EAN barcodes.

IDAutomation also provides , which is easier to implement in for versions 9i, 10g and above, as well as in UNIX and Linux environments. Other solutions are also provided in the .

Note: Use of this pll, requires a Developer License or above. This font encoder is supplied with Purchase of Developer's License or above of any Barcode Font Package.

Oracle Barcode Font Implementation Tutorial

Step 1: Install the Barcode Fonts

IDAutomation offers many different  for a variety of purposes. If unsure which to use, consider the with the . The IDAutomation.pll is a Feature Level 3 font encoder and cannot format data for the GS1-128 barcode standard. The IDAutomation_Universal.pll (compatible with Oracle 9i and above) can encode data for GS1-128 barcodes. To install these barcode fonts on Windows for Oracle Reports, run theInstall.exe file included in the font package or follow the . Because of the complexities and variety of UNIX and Linux system distributions, IDAutomation does not provide installation assistance for these systems. However, IDAutomation does provide two sets of installation instructions that may help as a guide:

If possible, consider using  for Unix and Linux environments.

Step 2: Install the Oracle Reports Barcode PLL Library

The Oracle Reports Barcode PLL Library is compatible with all versions of Oracle Reports that support attached libraries. The IDAutomation.pll was developed and tested against Reports 6i, and the IDAutomation_Universal.pll is compatible with 10g and above. If used in the database itself, the version of the database would be any version that supports PL/SQL. PL/SQL source code is also provided for advanced Oracle developers in the IDAutomation.pkg file.

  1. Open Oracle Reports Builder.
  2. Open the report rdf file that will contain the barcodes.
  3. Select the attached libraries option.
  4. Press the create button (Green Plus symbol) on the left toolbar. 
  5. In the dialog box, select the File System radio button, click on the Browse button. 
  6. Included in the Developer Tool's folder of the licensed font package will be the Oracle Barcode Library Tool, which contains the IDAutomation.pll and IDAutomation_Universal.pll files. After decompressing, save these files to an appropriate directory.
  7. Select the  or the  file and choose the Attach button. If not sure which to use, consider the  file with the .
  8. A dialog box will appear asking to remove the path. If Yes is selected, the PL/SQL library will need to be reattached to the report every time the report is opened. If No is selected, it will always look for the path in the same location. Leaving the library in the same directory as the report is encouraged.
  9. The barcode functions in the library are now ready to be used in the report. After the library is attached, the Object Navigator should look similar to the screen shot below, which shows the attached IDAutomation_Universal.pll.
     The Object Navigator Shows the Attached IDAutomation_Universal.pll
Step 3: Set Up the Function Call with the Barcode Font
  1. IDAutomation's barcode library contains many  for linear barcodes. Add a Formula Column to the report by using the Data Model option of the Report Layout, clicking the Formula Column button on the toolbar, and sizing the column in the layout area.
    Add a Formula Column to the Report with the Data Model Option in the Report Layout.
  2. The newly added Formula Column properties need to be adjusted to call the PL/SQL function from theIDAutomation.pll library. Access the property page for the Formula Column by selecting the Formula Column and pressing the F4 key. The following window will appear:
    Adjust the Newly-Added Formula Column Properties to Call the PL/SQL Function.
  3. Adjust the following properties:
    1. Name: Choose a descriptive name for the Formula Column because the columns will need to be referenced when designing the layout of the actual report.
    2. Datatype: This must be selected as Character from the drop-down menu.
    3. Width: Ensure the width of the field is large enough to hold all encoded characters.
  4. Click on the PL/SQL Formula button within the Property Inspector to call the appropriate barcode function. The following screen should appear:
    This Screen Will Appear After Clicking the PL/SQL Formula Button Witihn the Property Inspector.
  5. Insert the appropriate function call where the cursor is positioned within the report to add the appropriate start and stop characters, encode the data if necessary and add the check sum character, when required.
    Insert the Appropriate PL/SQL Function Call Where Needed.
  6. In the above example, a constant value (Code128Test) was passed into this function. If necessary, the appropriate character field may be substituted from the database.
  7. Click Close in the above window and ensure the report has been saved.
  8. To add this Formula Column to the report, switch to Paper Layout mode for the report and add a Field object to the report by clicking the appropriate item in the toolbar and dragging into position on the report.
    Add the Formula Column to the Report.
  9. Once the Field has been added to the report, link it to the Formula Column that was created earlier. To link theField to the Formula Column, select the field and hit the F4 button to bring up the Property Inspector for the Field. The Property Inspector should look similar to the following:
    Link the Field to the Formula Column
  10. Adjust the following properties:
    1. Name: Choose a descriptive name for the field (optional).
    2. Source: Select the name of Formula Column that was created earlier (required). 
  11. Modify the font of the field to the appropriate barcode font according to the Oracle Reports Barcode Font Functions chart below.
Oracle Reports Barcode Font Functions
The methods listed below may only be used with IDAutomation.pll and the appropriate barcode font. IDAutomation strongly recommends using the  with the appropriate  when generating Code 128 or Interleaved 2 of 5 barcodes.
Function Font Name Function Notes and Additional Information
(, )
 * Automatically encodes text data from ASCII 1 to ASCII 127.  Using the  with the  in the following situations is recommended:
  • When the IDAutomationC128 font is used outside of the USA to avoid language and locale incompatibilities.
  • When creating barcodes for GS1-128 (UCC/EAN 128) or when encoding FNC1 or FNC2 functions.
  • When encoding functions such as the return or tab.

It may be necessary to use the optional ReturnType for special purposes:

(Data, 0) formats barcode output string for Code 128 barcode fonts.
(Data, 1) returns the human-readable data.
(Data, 2) returns only the check digit.

Code128a()  * Formats output to the Code 128 barcode fonts, character set A.
Code128b()  * Returns codes formatted to the Code 128 character set B. Formats output to the Code 128 barcode fonts.
Code128c()  * Interleaves numbers into pairs for high density.
Interleaves numbers into pairs for high density without check digits, and formats the return string to the Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode fonts.
I2of5Mod10(,)  *
(DataToEncode, 0) performs the mod10 checksum calculation for increased accuracy and formats the return string to the Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode fonts. 
(DataToEncode, 1) returns the human-readable data with the MOD10 check digit included.
(DataToEncode, 2) returns the MOD10 check digit.
* When using the IDAutomationC128 or IDAutomationI25 fonts outside of the USA or for GS1-128, consider using the with the appropriate  to avoid language and locale incompatibilities.
(DataToEncode, 0) performs the mod43 checksum calculation for increased accuracy and formats the output to print using Code 39 fonts. The mod43 checksum is usually required for LOGMARS and HIBC applications.
(DataToEncode, 1) returns the human readable data with the check digit included.
(DataToEncode, 2) returns only the check digit.
Formats the output to print with the 2 required check digits using Code 93 fonts.
Codabar() Formats the output to print using Codabar fonts.
A number string of 12, 13, 14, 15, 17 or 18 digits with or without a check digit. Formats output to the UPC/EAN fonts. Add-ons are supported.
A number string of 7 or 8 characters (EAN-8 without the check digit). Formats output to the UPC/EAN fonts. Entering incorrect data will create a barcode containing all zeros.
Enter a single string of Zip, Zip + 4 or Zip + 4 + Delivery Point or any number of digits for the planet code. The DataToEncode must be a number and can include dashes and spaces.
(DataToEncode, 0) formats output to the Postnet fonts.
(DataToEncode, 1) returns the human-readable data with the check digit included.
(DataToEncode, 2) returns only the check digit.
A UPC-A number string of 11, 12, 13, 14, 16 or 17 digits with or without a check digit. Formats output to the UPC/EAN fonts. Add-ons are supported.
Oracle Reports Universal Barcode Font Functions
These methods may only be used with IDAutomation_Universal.pll and the .
Function Font Name Function Notes
Code128(,) Automatically encodes all text from ASCII 1 to ASCII 127. This method contains many options for  and includes tilde options to encode functions such as tabs and returns.
Code128A() Formats output to set A of Code-128. Use caution with this option because any lowercase character creates a function. Use the letter "i" for a tab and "m" for a return. For most purposes, it is better to use the  instead of this one.
Code128B() Formats output to Code-128, character set B. For most purposes, it is better to use the instead of this one.
Code128C() This code128 function "interleaves" even numbers into pairs for high density. An even number of digits is required. For most purposes, it is better to use the instead of this one.
(, ,)
Formats the output to Code 39 with the Universal barcode font. A MOD 43 checksum will be calculated if IncludeCheckDigit is true.
Codabar(,, StartChar,
Creates Codabar (aka NW7) with the Universal barcode font. StartChar and StopChar are also required as the start and stop characters. Valid start and stop characters are A, B, C and D.
(, ,)
Interleaves numbers into pairs for high density without check digits, and formats the return string to the Universal font. An even number of digits is required. A MOD 10 checksum will be calculated if IncludeCheckDigit is true.
This barcode type has a specific height requirement, and this function only works with the XS, S or M size of the Universal Font.

XS is the normal version, S has the bars narrow by 10% and the M font has the bars narrow by 20%. DataToEncode is a single string of Zip, Zip + 4 or Zip + 4 + Delivery Point. A MOD 10 checksum will be calculated if IncludeCheckDigit is true.

This barcode type has a specific height requirement, and this function only works with the XS, S or M size of the Universal Font. XS is the normal version, S has the bars narrow by 10% and the M font has the bars narrow by 20%. DataToEncode is a single string of Zip, Zip + 4 or Zip + 4 + Delivery Point. A MOD 10 checksum will be calculated if IncludeCheckDigit is true.

Function Property Descriptions

  • DataToEncode: A string value that represents the data being encoded.
  • N_Dimension: Determines the width of the wide bars which is a multiple of the X dimension. Valid values are 2, 2.5 and 3. The default is 2. The X dimension is determined by the font point size.
  • IncludeCheckDigit: A Boolean value that determines whether a check digit should be automatically calculated and included for the DataToEncode.
  • ApplyTilde: If set to True, characters following the tilde may be used to  or .
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